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Impact of Social Networking on the Youth

Being Social is healthy but what about being virtually social? Nowadays, social networking plays a significant role in our life. It helps in interacting with new people to share and exchange their creative ideas, but this is not happening anymore for the youth! Children are growing up surrounded by technology and social media all around that it is becoming a vital aspect of life. Social media is transforming the manner in which youth interact with their parents, peers, as well as how they make good use of technology.

Social media can be used to act professionally. It is an invaluable tool for young professionals to advertise their skills and seek business opportunities. It is useful for the young entrepreneur's business to gain a higher market share. Undoubtedly, youth can stay connected with the world, about the stock exchanges, current affairs and the big breaking for the World. It helps in researching about a particular field or finding different people having the same interests to share the ideas and explore. It helps in staying connected with the friends living miles from where you live. They can just be doing a Video chat session there or have a career counselling session too!

However, the Internet is loaded with a number of risks associated with online communities. Cyber Bullying, which refers to a type of bullying accomplished using electronic technology, is one of the risks. There are risks related to privacy, some hackers misuse the person's name to do something mischievous. People could hack anyone's bank account, school systems, can leak some useful information or leaking the secrets of the government. The privacy is in danger! The personal information could be disclosed Whenever young people fail to read the policies and disclaimers, they are exposed to risks of having their personal information disclosed. This is especially a serious matter in light to the rising cases of cyber crimes such as identity theft. Your opinions or comments can lead to rivalries. It can mislead your friends and anything could happen.

It is becoming increasingly clear that social networking has become part of people's lives. Many people are always on their smartphones to check the status and youth is crazy about telling and uploading the pictures of their recent visits. Thieves are misusing this information to plan a robbery. As technology advances, people of every age are pressured to adopt different lifestyles. It was Manual era before everyone would just write everything with their hands but now it's online and computerized. Social networking can make youth to become more socially capable. However, it can lead their personality to change, they can be a bad communicator but a good virtual communicator. Social networks might make the youth clumsy and incompetent. Therefore, it is imperative to exercise caution and restraint when dealing with such issues.